I am at a loss for words. This never happens. First off, I want to thank everyone who helped get the Lovely Rita fundraiser set-up. Bel and Kristin especially really spent the final two days before the event tied to the studio. Daisy saved the day by bringing flowers and food for poor Bel who was too busy to even feed herself! I am amazed. Touched. Excited. In awe. And exhausted.
We had a few minutes of panic last week when the volcano erupted in Iceland and the volcanic ash in the air affected flights all over Europe. Rita was "stuck" in Ireland for an extra day. Luckily, she got out only 24 hours late...five days later, some people are still waiting to fly to or from Europe. And poor Rita was only home a little over 24 hours when she had to come play with us -- dealing with jet lag from a good 8 hour time difference.
Rita set a goal to raise $750 for her walk. I believe she already has about $200 on her kidney walk page. The Lovely Rita Fundraiser at Twirly Girls brought in an additional $2,700!! The generosity of everyone who was involved -- whether it was time or money...we appreciate it and we love you. Thank you to Bel for your time and for volunteering your studio for this. We had donations for silent auction and raffle gifts (please see my previous post for the companies that donated -- although we had donations coming in up until the time we started!). We had donations to buy raffle tickets and to take classes. I'm almost afraid to name people because I don't want to forget anyone. But I do want to again thank Kristin for swooping in and saving the day when time was getting short and Bel needed help with the silent auction and raffle preparation. Also, thank you to Andrea for her donation of such beautiful clothing from Susana of Paris. Thank you to Marilyn for donating her time to prepare and perform two dances at the recital (and donating personal training sessions for the raffle!!). To Hooman from Alice Radio for coming out to support us and for making the winning bid on the date with our Raiderette, Jovann (and, of course, thank you to Jovann for putting herself up on the auction block)! Ok. Ok. I could go on all day. There are a lot of people to thank and we want each and every one of you to know that we appreciate the time and money you each donated to support a great cause. So, THANK YOU TO EVERYONE! :-D
Our day began with two classes taught by Marilyn -- Corelicious and the Oooh La La burlesque dance class. Bel then taught the Lovely Rita Pole routine. Unfortunately, Kat's go go class had to be canceled. She spent the weekend in the hospital with her mother. Her mom, coincidentally, is battling kidney failure. We wish the best for Kat's mom...and hope she has a speedy recovery. The silent auction opened at 4 p.m. and we started the dance recital at 5. It can be very scary to put yourself out there and dance for strangers. I was really nervous to do my own dance and had to apologize to the crowd sitting in the corner for basically showing them all what I had for lunch that day. HELLLOOOOOO BOOOOOYS! IN YO FACE. haha! Thanks for being great sports! Loved the Ooh La La girls -- Marilyn, Kristin and Sam! Andrea even performed for us with her injured hip! A huge thank you to Gina for braving a solo to what she must have thought was the longest song in the world! Marilyn and Lisa did a great doubles performance. Kristin, Maryam and I did the Lovely Rita routine. And Rita, Maryam, Daisy and Mandy did a great free dance. Hopefully I'm not forgetting anyone! The grand finale was AWESOME! Each of the Twirly Girls gave Rita a flower and did a little twirl in her honor. I really hope someone got it on video. I know that Maryam's husband had a good seat and did get photos. I will share them when I get them.
All of our Twirly Girls came through, though. And thank you to all of the husbands and boyfriends who share their time with us (and allow their girls to share so much time with us)!
It's not too late to donate! Rita's kidney walk is May 8th in San Francisco. Please click HERE to donate directly to the National Kidney Foundation (through Rita's page). If you want to come walk with us, you are welcome to join our group. No need to sign up or get donations! Also, if you donated an item for auction/raffle or bought something at the fundraiser and did not get your receipt, please let me know and we will get one to you.
Next up...Booty Parlor fun with Mandy this Friday night and the Pleasanton Street Party, which begins on Cinco de Mayo!
Oh Lori, what an experience. Look at all the hard work! And all the beauty from yesterday. My hope is that this event will help out the next person who finds themselves (and their loved ones) in the position of the failure of one's body.
ReplyDeleteThank You Bel, Lori, Kristen, all the performers, donators, and audience. Remember a little Twirl in the word makes the world a better place.
so incredibly awesome!! Wish I could have been there!! Looks like with all the hard work you guys still have time to HAVE A BLAST!! Good luck Rita on your walk!!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog, great event, Lori!
ReplyDeleteAll I can say....is....the Twirly Girls is so much more than a studio but a place where we come together to support each other whenever...however...whoever....I am so blessed to have such amazing women in our Twirly World...I'm just so excited that we were able to collect as much as we did...