At Pole Expo, we were given a sample of Grounding Flight Aromatherapy's So No More in our goodie bags. Remember how I smashed my face on the ground while I was there? Well, I had expected to not be able to move the day after that little incident. As I was going to bed, one of the girls in the room suggested I try the sample in our bag. I realize that a product like this can't fix a ruptured disc, but it certainly did seem to help my muscles relax! I was able to move around a lot better on Sunday than I expected.
I have continued using the product on my neck and lower back in the last couple of weeks as my muscles take on various aches from being injured. It is very gentle (not like the shock of my usual favorite, BioFreeze), so I can still use a heating pad with it. It smells slightly lemony, so it also doesn't shock the senses like Icy Hot or BioFreeze.
So if you are looking for another way to ease those achy mucles, give Sore No More a try!
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