
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Happy Twirliversary to Boys, Girls and Twirls!

I want to wish a happy birthday to my Monday 8 PM beginning pole class.  We are one year old!!  The name, Boys, Girls and Twirls didn't come into existence until August 2012, but the first class I officially taught by myself was on March 5, 2012.  Thank you to each and every person that has walked through those doors for my class, especially those who have been there since day 1 (Robert, Yolanda, Rita, and Jimmy not too much later).  I really am inspired by you.  You make me smile and laugh.  And you help me understand that, even if I can't do all the crazy tricks, there is still so much to learn, and plenty to teach, long before you ever need to get to that point. 

Love you all!!

Courtesy of Robert!

Supporting your Pole Family
Liquidpulp and Andrew are also part of the family
Pole Dance is for EveryBODY
Courtesy of Rita
One of our first classes
Pimping the 2013 calendar!
Boys, Girls and Twirls!
Me on a shirt!
Me on a shirt!
Me on a shirt!
My truck
Jimmy and Stephanie
Woody band help
Stretching help
A gift from Rita, drawn by Leen Isabel

Yolanda and me
Yolanda and me


  1. Happy Anniversary! You sound like you are an amazing teacher and you have some amazing students!
