Last year, Amy Bond brought me an idea: Let's put on a pole competition, but not a comeptition, a showcase with feedback! Initially, she wanted to put our show ahead of PPC in LA (which was held the weekend of March 1-2, 2014) so that competitors could showcase their routine and get feedback from a panel of judges in order to present a more polished routine at the actual competition. The more we thought about it, the more we realized that most people wouldn't want to reveal all of their cards pre-competition. But we decided we still liked the idea, so we tabled it for summer of 2014. Not all pole dancers want to compete but many have a desire to get on the big stage and showcase their talents without the pressure of a competition. At the same time, if we're going to bring together all of these dancers, why not offer them the option of receiving feedback on their routine, so that they can improve their dancing.
Then early in 2014, Amy, who recently passed the California Bar Exam and took a new job, e-mailed me to tell me she wanted to focus on other things and needed to drop out of the planning process. She gave me her blessing to continue without her, and I am honored that she would trust me with bringing her idea to light.
But now I needed a new partner. Enter the amazing Ellen Lovelace. When I told Ellen about my predicament, she immediately stepped up and has been kicking ass ever since. Ellen has secured the location and has been doing a ton of work behind the scenes to keep the process moving. It certainly makes me respect Amy and Bayleigh of PSO for putting on multiple shows each year. And my hat is off to Ellen for all the work she is doing to make this event happen.
So, let me formally introduce to you the Northern California Pole Presentational (NCPP), which will be held Saturday, August 23, 2014 at the San Jose Stage Company in San Jose, California. This event will be run PSO-style. No need to send us a video link to try-out, you just pay your fee, fill out the form and you're in! Why do we need competitors to pay? Because, like I said earlier, putting on a pole show is not cheap. The largest expenses are the venue, rigging and insurance. In order to keep ticket prices down so that friends and family can come watch, we (like many other pole events) have asked participants to help share the cost. We use that money to create a safe environment and beautiful stage for you to showcase your routine for your loved ones. Also, each participant can choose to receive feedback (or not) on their routine from a panel of judges (which we will announce soon). We don't only accept solo performers, though, we are also excited to include duos and groups.
Why does Northern California need this event? It is evident by the 200+ participants in PPC that Southern California is inundated with people who want to perform (including many Northeran California polers, who traveled down to compete). Nothern Calfornia does have some really amazing pole shows, however they are generally associated with area studios and/or require try-outs to get in. This will be first independently produced pole event for Northern California, which will be open to everyone. We are trying to give Nor Cal polers a chance to get in first by only allowing Nor Cal and Nevada addresses to apply until April 30. At that time, spots are fair game for any pole dancer in the United States.
In addition to NCPP, we have Roz THE DIVA Mays, bringing her plus-sized pole comptition from New York to us! West Coast Curves at NCPP (WCC) will be held the same day. This is an actual competition and the top two competitors, chosen by the audience, will win entrance into the Dangerous Curves finales, which will be held later this year in New York.

Ellen and I are really excited about this event. Sign-ups are currently open to Northern California and Nevada residents. The cost is only $50 per person/performance slot. People are certainly encouraged to do solos and group routines. Or they can particiapte in NCPP and WCC (we have already had someone sign up for both). Information on sponsorship, vendor booths, and tickets to the show will be available soon. All information regarding participation, including volunteering, can be found at If you're on the fence about participating, remember you will be at home in front of all of your loved ones. I can't think of a better way to get your first pole show under your belt.
I hope to see all of my Pacific Northwest friends at NCPP in August. I would love to know what you love most and hate most about big pole events. We want this to be the best pole event you have ever attended. Please leave a comment below. Also, if you have any questions, please e-mail us through the website. See you in August!
I am ELATED to be a part of this! NCPP is a great idea, and I am sooooooo supportive of those creating their own opportunities in any industry. The fact that I'm in is is just icing on the cake. West Coast Curves is gunna be dope!
ReplyDeleteI am elated you are part of this team! I'm so excited about WCC and will be writing a separate post about this very soon!