
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Covid Chronicles: Meet Gina!

Depending on where you are, we are almost three months into a shelter-in-place in response to the covid-19/coronavirus pandemic. In addition, the horrific death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer has caused civil unrest and forced curfews in many areas this week, adding to the isolation and frustration for many. One hundred years from now, how will we look back at the unprecedented “closing” of the entire world in response to a virus? There is a lot of hate being thrown at governments and politicians. One side feels they aren’t taking this seriously enough. The other side feels like our freedoms have been taken from us and we should re-open immediately. No one is happy. Underneath all of that are individuals and families just trying to make it. Some of us are single and sheltering alone. Some of us are in crowded households with no time or space to ourselves. I wanted to capture the stories of those friends. How are they dealing with all of this? I wanted to do this blog to celebrate those people who are holding it down during some really difficult financial and emotional times.

Tell us your first name and a little bit about yourself.

My name is Gina Marie, and I am a self-employed Massage Therapist and Personal Trainer. I am married to a great guy, and I have a pretty freaking good life.

In which part of the world do you live?

I live in Pleasanton, California, right in the middle of downtown. Nauseatingly beautiful.. like a fairy tale.

Are you sheltering in place alone or with others? Tell us about your “quarantine” family.

My quarantine family includes me, my husband (who is an Interior Designer with an office that he always runs from our home), a neurotic dog, and a year old cat who is very fucking confused as to why the people never leave any more. :D I will also include my best friend and our next door neighbor- although we don't "live together", she is a single woman and we weren't going to make her stay completely away for her mental health.

On a scale of 1-10, how have you been at this whole sheltering thing anyway? 1 means you are essentially carrying on as if nothing is going on. 10 means you’re not leaving your house for any reason and having everything delivered to you. (No judgments here...just curious how people would self-rate.)

The first 4 weeks.. we were a 10. We didn't leave the house for anything. We lived off whatever groceries we had, frozen veggies, etc. We didn't leave for anything. For the next 3 weeks, we went to the grocery store once, and to Home Depot once but didn't see anyone else or go anywhere. In the last 3 weeks, we have had our very closest friends who have also been socially distancing over for dinner in the back yard every week, because the social isolation is just too much. My mental health has started going to shit- and this helps. I also saw my daughter (again, out in my back yard) and I hugged her before she left because I just can't see my child and not hug her. She is so precious to me and if that's how I die, then that's how I go. :D

Do you know anyone who has/had covid-19?

I do. My very good friend has a 17 year old daughter in London who had it and was TERRIBLY sick. My neighbor's sister also died from it a few weeks ago.

If you are alone, how are you handling the isolation? If you are with others, how are you handling that?

I love my husband, with every ounce of my being. But at 66 days in (but who's counting?) we have started picking at each other which is COMPLETELY not us. I am so tired of Zoom meetings. I am the president of our networking group and I have to run the call and I just hate it. I was doing ok until a few weeks ago... I don't know what changed but my mental health is just in the toilet. I cry a lot. I sleep 11 hours a day because I really have no reason to get up early. I miss my gym and I have done all the online workouts.. but they are losing the meaningfulness that they have for the whole quarantine. I am tired of exercising on my living room floor. I need a massage. I want to wander the aisles at Target again, Life is just so.. Boring.

[Note from Lori regarding timing: I am rolling these blogs out slowly, so responses were filled out a couple of weeks ago. Therefore, even more time has passed since this timing was mentioned…]

Are you able to get out and enjoy nature anywhere near you?

I walk outside every single day, and I love to play in my garden. It has never been more beautiful- I water every day and I have had time to play in my roses. I love being outside. And, of course.. I have been donning my Unicorn costume, making inspirational signs, and dancing on the corner of my street every single day. I find it brings a little normal back and it makes people smile (including me.) That has been a life saver for my mental health.

What kind of self-care habits have you put in place to keep you sane?

I still try to do my Zoom workouts with Prodigy Fitness every day- they really are amazing and almost all my friends are from the gym. I get to see my friends that way. I take my supplements and vitamins every day (totally a new thing for me). I go for a walk with my best friend most days to connect, be outside, and get some movement.

If you have kids, how is homeschooling going?

I have 5 kids, 4 are adults- my son is finishing his Senior year of High School. He is doing this by himself, and it has been very hard for him finishing up high school like this. He is bummed about prom, graduation, all the senior stuff- it is all cancelled.

I have NEVER been so grateful that my mids are older- I can't imagine trying to homeschool right now.

What kind of work do you do? Are you able to work from home? How is that going?

I am a Massage Therapist and self- employed so I am a Phase 3 (and late phase 3, apparently) worker. I haven't worked since March 16. The CAMTC (my licensing board) has prohibited me from working since that date, so I am dead in the water in my career. I miss my clients, who are mostly seniors and cancer patients. Much of my anxiety and depression stems from me having no idea if I will have a career to return to when all of this dust settles.

Be’ve cut your own hair, right?

I have cut my husband's three times, but mine is still intact today. But hey.. tomorrow is a new day and I am definitely a "race car in the red" these days :D

What surprising positive thing has happened because of the time being spent at home/with family?

My hands have finally got a rest, and I have been able to see what my husband does at work every day while I am usually at work. I have really connected with my next door neighbors and that has been wonderful. We have started a Family Zoom Call night every week with my husband's parents in Florida, his 2 kids (one in Florida, one in Arizona), his sister, and I and we totally get to connect as a family, and we didn't ever do that before. It has been really nice.

How are you doing birthdays and other celebrations with all of the restrictions in place?

We did a Zoom birthday for my husband's birthday March 22nd- it was early in the quarantine. I have done a few birthday walk-by's of friends dressed as the Unicorn!

What changes do you think you will permanently implement after this experience?

The weekly family Zoom call has been nice, and the neighborhood "sit in the yard 6 feet apart" parties have been great. I would love to keep that going.

Are you ready to get back into the world (with safety precautions in place)?

Part of me is so ready to throw caution to the wind and get back to a normal life. The other part of me is absolutely terrified that if I do, I will die alone in a COVID unit- this is TRULY my greatest fear.

Which TV shows have you been watching and what do you think everyone else should start?

The Tiger King was garbage- I watched it anyways. I've been watching Orange is the New Black while I sew masks. It's an older show but I decided to watch that right now because I am in jail too haha

What are you happy to leave behind in the “old world?”

People can be such selfish pricks. Maybe they will see that there are so many important things that just don't matter. Also, that Actors and Sports personalities weren't the people we needed during this time- it was doctors, nurses, farmers, and people who get food and supplies to us. It would do us well to remember who REAL heroes are.

What can you appreciate most about the “new world?”

I loved seeing neighbors volunteering to help other neighbors, especially seniors. Groups are helping people get groceries, sewing masks for medical workers, bringing food to children, and just helping people in need. The new world is FILLED with people who want to help.

What is the first thing you’re going to do when the shelter-in-place is lifted?

I want to go to Yosemite- it has had so much time to heal from the disease of humanity and I would love to appreciate its beauty. I have never been there, and I have lived here for my ENTIRE LIFE!

Who is the person you have missed seeing most during this time?

My 28 year old daughter, who used to spend every single Sunday with me. I miss her terribly.

What song would best represent the time you’ve spent at home?

"All You Need is Love" - The Beatles

What significant impact, if any, will the virus have on your plans for this year?

My son was supposed to move to California and go to UC Santa Cruz in the fall- that is all on hold. Our Hawaiian vacation was supposed to happen in April, and that didn't happen and we have looked forward to that for 6 months. Monetarily, we are devastated from this quarantine. It will take YEARS to recover from it financially- if we do at all.

In a fantasy world where the virus doesn’t exist and money isn’t an issue, where is your dream vacation destination?

I want to go to Europe with my husband for a month, and see it all. I want to see the Coliseum in Rome. I want to see Big Ben, and the amazing architecture in old towns. I want to see it all. I want to REALLY live.

Note from Lori: Okay, so what Gina doesn’t fully mention is how she’s the dancing unicorn of Pleasanton (although she did attach a photo)! She goes out on the corner near her house and dances to spread joy. She’s been on the news and everything! And she has a Vespa club! At Christmas, she dresses up in a Santa suit and drives her adorable little Vespa around, also spreading joy. Anyway, I know the situation doesn’t garner a lot of joy right now, but her posts give me life!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad I give you life, Lori! :) I do indeed do all that stuff- my favorite being the “dressing up as Santa on a Vespa”. If you want to see all that stuff, my page on Facebook is called Find Your Squee. My crazy stuff is there!
