
Thursday, December 30, 2021

52 Hike Challenge: The Update

Natural Bridges - Santa Cruz
In October, I had written about taking on the 52 Hike Challenge in 2021.  In 2020, I had signed up to do a hiking challenge through the East Bay Regional Parks website, but that kind of went to shit after covid hit.  When I wrote about the challenge in October, I had about 8 weeks left in the year, and 17 hikes to get in.  Facing bad weather in the last month or so, I really had to lighten up on my rules for the hikes, but I am proud to announce that I DID hit my 52 hikes.  I had to do a couple of "urban hikes" through town since the recent rain caught me off guard, but I feel like I stuck with the spirit of the challenge.  I got outdoors and got moving after a very slow-moving 2020.  

In total, I hiked 166 miles in 2021 (which is separate from the increase in general "steps" I am trying to get after getting my Apple Watch in August).  According to my AllTrails app, for the 40 events I recorded through the app, I spent 60 hours in the outdoors and climbed a collective 17,067 feet.  I wish I'd used the app for all of my hikes and walks!  

Some of my favorite hikes in the last two months include visiting Natural Bridges to see the monarchs and the Old Landing Cove trail in Santa Cruz.  I have spent a lot of time at Black Diamond Mines and Contra Loma in Antioch, but there are so many trails, that I didn't repeat any specific hike all year.  In fact, with the exception of maybe two trails/locations, almost all of these hikes were unique trails.  I also decided a couple of weeks ago that there must be a way to hike from Contra Loma to Black Diamond Mikes -- and there is!  That hike was under 5 miles roundtrip.  That hike was kind of special because the parking lot I planned to use was full so I had to park deeper in the park.  At the end of that hike, I found someone's keys in the grass.  I knew as soon as I saw those keys that it was the reason I was forced to park elsewhere.  I turned them into the park ranger and she said the man had lost the keys the day before but had just returned to the park to start looking for them again.  He called me and thanked me profusely.  He said he had hiked ten miles the day before looking for those keys, and that his wife assured him he was a good person and someone would find those keys and return them to him.  It felt really nice to make someone's day.  

Contra Loma to Black Diamond Mines

I tried a trail in Santa Rosa with Jade -- Annadel State Park.  While I loved the trails and the park was beautiful, the cyclists were very aggressive and rude -- unlike anywhere else I have hiked (not calling out, running up on us going way too fast and making us feel like we were in their way).  I don't know that I would return there for that reason.  Side  note: cyclists are supposed to yield to hikers, and it really isn't difficult to yell out, "on your left" so I can step off the trail.

I also went to Sycamore Grove in Livermore, which is really only about half an hour from my house.  There were so many trails and once you got up into the hills, you could walk for so long before you saw anyone else.  It was also crazy to see where fires had burned some of the tress.  You would see a blacked out tree trunk with beautiful green grass in the background.  

There is a regional trail within walking distance of my house.  My final hike of the year was supposed to be Lands End to the Golden Gate, but the rain and freezing weather caused us to reschedule for another time.  I ended up walking that regional trail to check out the swollen creek.  It wasn't the spectacular end I had planned for my 52 hikes, but it was the safer and warmer choice.  

Annadel State Park
Although I am happy I completed this challenge, it almost became a second job in the last two months.  I was so obsessed with getting those hikes in -- I was trying to run out after work before the time change caused it to get dark so early.  I was hiking unprepared in cold weather.  I was cramming hikes in before family events.  It started to become less enjoyable, and the whole reason I want to be outside hiking is to enjoy nature.  I don't think I will participate in this challenge again in 2022, but I do think I will continue to plan fun hikes at least once a month, and put more emphasis on getting outdoors in general, no matter what I'm doing.  

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and a very active and nature-filled year in 2022!

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